Murder in Mississippi, Digital Companion.
True Stories
True Stories: Murder in Mississippi is the online companion to John Safran’s brilliant new true crime book, bringing the book alive with a visually jam-packed & interactive scrolling story. Fidget Friend took care of content production on this gig and were also the technical partners. Penguin took care of design and creative direction. 2015 AIMIA Award Winner
Kylie Robertson
Penguin Books Creative Director.
 “True Stories is a destination for a new kind of reading experience. The mix of interactivity and layered content is a unique way of placing the reader in the very centre of the storytelling experience.”
Mapping a Story
Renae worked with Kylie, the Penguin team and John Safran to pull out elements of the story that could be expanded upon and re-mixed in an entertaining and alluring way online, essentially giving the user a snippet of what happens in the book.

This was a hugely collaborative, creative and agile build with constant tinkering and experimentation between all, right up to the delivery date. We played around alot with navigation, narrative structure and how to animate design elements. Given the amount of content we had to play with, we had loads of decisions to make around what part of the story to reveal and what part to keep secret!

Collaborative & Agile
Simon and Ash also worked closely with the design team and Tech director, Mark Simpson to build the site framework for animation.
Content Strategy, Front-end Development, Responsive Design, Animation
Client: Penguin Books
Date: 2014