Andy Roid
Action Adventure Animation!
Andy Roid is an online comic book based on an action adventure series for kids written by Felice Arena and published by Penguin Books. 

Design collaboration

At the time of launch (2013), the site used the absolute latest in html 5 web animation and we were thrilled to be able to push the technical boundaries on this job.

Featuring 3-D style parallax animation, synchronised sound effects, and a choose your own adventure style narrative, Simon and Ash pushed the tech so far they developed their own jQuery animation library to help them build and sequence the web animations. The site was built for both a desktop and tablet experience.
The Penguin design team pulled together the awesome graphics and Fidget Friend developed the site including the online comic book with full animations. We worked closely with the Penguin team to bring this one to life.
Front-end Development, Responsive Design, Drupal Development, Animation
Client: Penguin Books
Date: 2013