Taking Rove to the U.S.A.
Rove LA
Fidget Friend built the rove.tv website for Rove’s Los Angeles jaunt – Rove LA for Foxtel. We built him a micro-site intended as a complete viewing channel for the American audience.
We chose to play with the Tumblr platform for a number of reasons – it plugged into a social network where at the time, American audiences were flocking. It also allowed us to hack it so we could geo-block Australian audiences (because they were supposed to be watching it on Foxtel) and we could tweak it to allow us to play videos (because in 2011 you couldn’t add videos easily to Tumblr) … so whilst there was fair amount of hacking going on, it for good reason because we were able to plug Rove into an already available audience and allow his USA fans to get stuck into sharing the show.

Digital Strategy, Content Strategy, Interface Design, Front-end Development, Geo Blocking, Tumblr Customisation
Client: Roving Enterprises
Date: 2013
Website: www.rove.tv